Saturday, October 27, 2007

History Blogs Repeat Themselves

As part of this blog, we’ve decided to have two regular features:

Repeating History: A weekly post which will let you know what we learned in our history classes: fun factoids, crazy things our professors said, that sort of thing. What history classes are we taking? Well:
Ancient Rome (Brenna)
The New Deal and WWII (Gillian and Brenna)


Profiles in History: A recurring post in which we will shine the spotlight on someone from history. Often times, this will be someone who we feel has not gotten the historical recognition they deserve.

Also, everyone should visit the new Environmental Studies blog from our friend (and Brenna's crazy roommate) Bess: It's Easy Being Green!

Please, stick with us! We promise more exciting history in the coming weeks!


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I feel like this blog is my blog's cousin. My blog ( is about life in a suite full of English majors. It also has the same pink template as this blog. You should link me in your side panel. English and history are friends.